Systems Perspective
Systems thinking is an indispensable tool to help leaders (and individuals) navigate our complex and ever-changing world effectively, and particularly valuable for leading sustainability transitions.
Above is just a little snippet that I created of the interactive electronic Planetary Boundaries learning tool, from The King's Centre for Visualization in Science, to demonstrate what systems thinking can look like in regard to our impacts on planetary boundaries.
You can find the interactive electronic Planetary Boundaries learning tool here, which is based on the Planetary Boundaries Framework developed by members of the Stockholm Resilience Centre. (Rockström, J. et al. A safe operating space for humanity. Nature 461, 472–475 (2009).
You can find more information about the Planetary Boundaries framework at the Stockholm Resilience Centre
Another insightful and valuable resource for exploring systems theory and tools further is the Systems Innovation Network (Si). They have everything from tutorials on-demand to online workshops and so much more. I highly recommend getting involved with this fascinating and knowledgeable community.
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